von hm | Okt. 13, 2022 | News
On October 13, 2022, prominent representatives of the Austrian sports landscape, officials, clubs, athletes, and companies, met in Trofaiach in Upper Styria. Dr. Dahm opened the event with a keynote „Spielfelder für Re:Generation und Lebensdienlichkeit....
von hm | Aug. 28, 2022 | Publication
The Pontresina Declaration urges the UN system and the international community to step up efforts for ecosystem restoration and for securing the universal right of all life to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment.
von hm | Juli 30, 2022 | Publication
A true sustainability reporting standard must build on a systematic and complete list of a company’s ecological impacts, a natural capital accounting, as demanded by Dr. Daniel Dahm and United Sustainability already in March 2020. Dynamic materiality that is centered...